If you are a computer geek, then you must know the Nmap and how to use it. But some guys wonder that Metasploit is just an exploitation framework, but let me tell those that you can use Nmap as well as Nessus in Metasploit . Let me tell you how:
Step 1: Open The Metasploit
Step 2: Type
load db_mysql
Step 3: Create Result Table & Connect to MySQL
db_create r00t:passw0rd@localhost/kislay
db_connect r00t:password@localhost/kislay
The above commands create a new table "kislay" and let metasploit using it.
Step 4: Load the XML file of Nmap into MySQL database.
db_import_nmap_xml /opt/data/nmap/myscans/black.xml
This command loads your nmap xml file directly into your newly created database "kislay"
Step 5: Call Nmap from Metasploit Console and load results into MySQL.
db_nmap localhost -O --reason
Step 6: List of Hosts
Step 7: List of Services
Step 8: Automated exploitation
db_autopwn -p -e
This will launch your exploits on the targets automatically.
Kislay Bhardwaj
Step 1: Open The Metasploit
Step 2: Type
load db_mysql
Step 3: Create Result Table & Connect to MySQL
db_create r00t:passw0rd@localhost/kislay
db_connect r00t:password@localhost/kislay
The above commands create a new table "kislay" and let metasploit using it.
Step 4: Load the XML file of Nmap into MySQL database.
db_import_nmap_xml /opt/data/nmap/myscans/black.xml
This command loads your nmap xml file directly into your newly created database "kislay"
Step 5: Call Nmap from Metasploit Console and load results into MySQL.
db_nmap localhost -O --reason
Step 6: List of Hosts
Step 7: List of Services
Step 8: Automated exploitation
db_autopwn -p -e
This will launch your exploits on the targets automatically.
Kislay Bhardwaj