Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Want to advertise by messaging,inviting, or noticing everyone on an IRC

Follow these steps:
Download massirc.exe* [26.6k] and you might also need cswsock.vbx [28.5k]

          Run it, you'll have an intro screen then a settings screen fill them out just like
          your normal mirc but don't use same nick as the one that you normally use.
          This works only on certain servers and here's a list of them:
          If it works on a server I don't have in the list then tell me the address of that server.
          once they are all set click next. It will connect to the server then click next again.
Ok Let me explain the options:

Send Notice Messages this will notice every user on the system your message.

Send PrivMsg will msg every user on the system your message.

Send Invite this will invite them to a channel.

Randomly Change NickName every 10 seconds. This is a definite must to be checked in
unless you like to be klined or glined alot.

Send 1 packet every seconds this should be set somewhere from 5-8, I prefer 7
this is to keep the server's flood protection off your ass.

Start Sending Nick with letter, well if you got knocked off before set it to the last
letter it was at or leave it at a, this is the letter of the users name it starts at.

A blank box, in here enter the chan to invite them to or the message you want
noticed or msged to them. Now with the options set, just click send now and minimize.

Source: TextFiles

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